Saturday, April 25, 2015

Lean Muscle Diet (Summer diet plan)

This diet is preferably for a male 200 lb bodybuilder. 

meal 1- 6 egg whites or 8 oz chicken breast
1 cup oatmeal with cinnamon

meal 2- 6 oz lean ground turkey or 8 oz chicken breast
1 cup oatmeal with cinnamon or 6 oz brown rice

meal 3- 6 oz chicken breast or 2 cans tuna fish ( low fat mayo 1 tablespoon or 2 tablespoons hummus)
1 yogurt (preferably greek yogurt)
1 banana
your choice serving of vegetables ( I personally love zucchini slices or broccoli)

meal 4- 2 scoops iso100 protein powder or 8 oz chicken breast
4 oz sweet potato
your choice of vegetables

meal 5- 6 oz chicken breast
side of vegetables and/or green beans
1 tablespoon coconut butter or almond butter

Sunday, March 15, 2015

16 week powerlifting competition cycle program

Monday- Chest+ Back

Bench Press- work up to a heavy 5 rep max or a heavy 3 rep max
Stability Benching with kettlebells on barbell- couple sets of 1
6 sets of 1 bench press- work on technique (roughly 80-90 percent of 1 rep max)
4-5 sets dumbbell decline bench - 50 reps  I chose to do 5 sets of 10
Heavy Barbell Rows- 3-5 sets of 5
T-Bar rows- 3- 5 sets of 10-6 reps
2 sets heavy power cleans (1-2 rep max)
Side bends- 1 set of 15 to failure
weighted planks- 1 set until failure

Tuesday- Shoulders +tris  (short workout)

Standing Military or dumbbell military press- work up to heavy set of 5 or 3. 
2 hypertrophy sets of 8 reps
Close Grip Bench- 2 sets of 8 reps
2 sets heavy dumbbell snatch (1-2 rep max)
Side bends- 1 set of 15 to failure
weighted planks- 1 set until failure

Wednesday or Thursday- (either or is fine I prefer Wednesday) Deadlift/ Upper body day
Speed Squats with bands- 6-8 sets of 1
Speed Deadlifts off a deficit with bands 6-8 sets of 1
Incline Bench- 1 set until failure (stay between 8-3 rep range)
decline bench- 1 set until failure (stay between 8-3 rep range)
shoulder front raise- 2 sets of 8
2 sets hammer curls- GO HEAVY
1 set until failure of chin-ups
Side bends- 1 set of 15 to failure
weighted planks- 1 set until failure

Saturday- Legs
Either heavy front squat, low bar squat, or high bar squat, or pause squat
work up to a heavy set of 5-1 reps (I pick what I want to do day of)
2 hypertrophy sets of pause squat of 8 reps
heavy glute ham bridges- work up to 5 rep max
calf raises- 2 sets of 15
single leg squats
1 set of good morning if I feel up to it until failure - roughly 10 reps
1 set of heavy power cleans

I go by feel for mosr of this workout.  If I can go heavier I will, if I have to back off or DE-LOAD I will do that.  On leg day I just basically pick what I want to do.  Usually I rotate between the 3 exercises and I do pause squats as my hypertrophy exercises.  On deadlift day I do those speed deadlifts 2 out of every 3 weeks and if I feel up to it I max out every third week.  Same thing with bench press or shoulder day.  I will go lighter if necessary but I feel like I can hit a PR and max out I will.  I do not use bands every week with squats, only when my joints are ready. 

Contact me for any personal information if you need any advice.  diet plans and specific workout plans as well

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The base strength program

This program is designed for the beginner lifter who is just trying to gain size and strength.  This workout is designed around somebody who has 315 bs, max squat, max bench of 275 lbs, and max deadlift of 405 lbs. 

Monday- Squat 4 sets of 8 with 75% of max.  235 lbs.  Every week that these 4 sets are completed without failure the weight must go up the following workout.  245 would be the next weight to be done.   - Deadlift- Work up to a heavy 5 rep max.  It should look like this.  135 x 5 185 x 3 225 x2 315x 1 and then go for whatever will be a very difficult 5.  Use this weight for 2 more sets following,  As long a you hit your number of reps on the first set the next deadlift session of 5a the weight bumps up.  Lets say you wanted to get 365 for 5 reps.  You did.  Plus you did two more sets after that looked something like this.  365 for 5 365 for 4 last set 365 for 4 again.  The next workout you will start with 375.  Do the exact same thing.  Every set you hit as many reps as possible though.  If you can do 375 for 5 all 3 sets that great.  Next time you start with 385. Standing Shoulder Press- 5 sets of 5 with 75% of max.  Every tme you complete all 5 sets for 5 reps you bump up 10 lbs on the following week.  Lets say you do 185 5x5 the following shoulder workout you will do 195.  Power Cleans- work up to 1 heavy 3 rep max set.  If you do 185 for 3 and that is what you are aiming for, following power clean workout you will try 190 for 3.  ABS (SIDE BENDS)- Heavy side bends, these will keep your stability whle youre squatting.  3 sets of 6 reps.  Do them heavy and push for more weight every workout. 

Wednesday- Deadlift  4 sets of 8 reps with 75 % of max.  Every week that these 4 sets are completed without failure the weght must go up following workout.   Lets say you did 365 for 4 sets of 8.  Next workout of 8s you will do 375.  Squat- Work up to a heavy 5 rep max just like on mondays deadift routine.  You will be doing this weight for 3 sets and then bumping up weight next week if you hit your desried weight on the first set.  Bench Press- 5 sets of 5 with 75% of max.  If you hit your weight for all 5 sets then tou will be moving up weight following bench workout.  Same thing as standing shoulder press on monday.  ABS (SIDE BENDS) 3 heavy sets Hammer Curls-2 sets of 6 reps.  Go heavy.... BALLS TO THE WALL.  FUCK FORM, IT DOESNT MATTER.  Swing the weight up and get as much weight on the dumbbell as possible.

Friday- Squat- Use a rep scheme of 6-5-4.  The first set will be 80% of your max  Start with this weight and then after each set put a 5 b plate on each side.  Every week that you complete all 3 of these lifts without failure, you will bump up 5 lbs on each side the next time you start.  For example, lest say the first set you do 275 for 6, then the next set is 285 for 5 then last set is 295 for 4.  When you hit all of these numbers the next workout you will start with 285 then go to 295 then go to 305. 
Deadlift- 2 SETS OF 8 REPS.  BALLS TO THE WALL.  Go for an extremely difficult 8 rep max  As much as you can do, and then following set try to get 8 reps again with the same weight.  Every time you hit 8 reps on the first set the following workout you will start heavier.  Lets say you want to hit 265 for 8 and you do, following workout you will do 275 for 2 sets of 8.
Close Grip Bench-  Work up to a heavy triple.  Do 3 sets of 3 with this weight if possible.  Lets say you are aiming for 275 for 3 that day.  When you hit it on the first set, use the same weight on the 2nd and 3rd set and try to do 3 res each time.  ALWAYS INCREASE WEIGHT.
BARBELL ROWS (YATES ROWS)- THESE ARE MEANT TO BE DONE HEAVY- LOAD UP THE BAR, FUCK TECHNIQUE GET WEIGHT ON THE BAR.  THIS IS AN ACCESSORY MOVEMENT.  5 sets of 5 reps.  I do 455 for 5 sets of 5 with this.  I have a 630 deadlift.  Adjust your numbers appropriately.  ABS (SIDE BENDS- 3 sets of 8 reps



Friday, June 27, 2014

Gorilla Workout

Day 1 Chest/ Shoulders

Incline Barbell Bench (Follow Percentages)
Dumbbell Incline Bench 4 sets of 6-4 reps
Decline Bench or Dips 3 sets 10-6 reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2 sets 15-10 reps (squeeze tight)
2 set front raise
1 set side laterals
2 sets of power cleans
Heavy Ab Workout

Day 2 Legs/ Back

Squat (Follow Percentages)
Wide Stance Good Mornings 2 sets 10-6 reps
Leg Press 3 sets 15-10 reps
Glute Ham Raise or Stiff Leg Deadlift 2 sets 10-6 reps
Speed Deadlifts 6 sets of 1 ( 65 percent of max)
Single Leg Squats 3 sets of 8
Dumbbell Row- 2 sets of 10-6 reps
Heavy Ab Workout

Day 3 Arms

Standing Military Press 5x5 or Close Grip Bench 5x5
Seated Military Press 3 sets 10-6 or Close Grip Bench 10-8-6-4
^^^^Pick one Military Press than a Close Grip second or Close Grip first and Military Press 2nd
Heavy Ab Workout
Pin Presses 3 sets of 6-4 reps (shorter rest period) 
Decline or Incline Close Grip Bench 3 sets 8-4 reps
Heavy Hammer Curls 2 sets of 6-4 reps
Chinups 1 set til failure

Day 4 Back/Legs

Deadlift (follow Percentages)
Speed Deadlifts off a deficit (1 inch or 2 inch) 8 sets of 3 50% max (optional)
Barbell Rows 3 sets of 6 reps
Front Squats 2 sets of 5 reps
Dumbbell Rows/T- Bar Rows/ Seated Rows/ or Lat Pulldowns 2 sets of 10-6 reps
Wide Stance Good mornings 2 sets of 6-4 reps
1 set of power cleans until failure
Heavy Ab Workout


Week 1- 1st set- 75% of max (5 reps) 2nd set- 80% of max (5 reps) 3rd set- 85% of max (5 reps)
Week 2- 1st set- 80% of max (3 reps) 2nd set- 85% of max (3 reps) 3rd set- 90% of max (3 reps)
Week 3- 1st set-75% of max (5 reps) 2nd set- 85% of max (3 reps) 3rd set- 95% of max (1 rep)
Week 4- You decide!! either DE LOAD workout 3 sets of 5, 60%, then 65%, then 70%
OR Max out....Pyramid up doing singles, then pyramid down doing reps for example....
135x 5 185x2 225x1 245x1 (245 was what you did for a 1rm for the day) now pyramid down
225 for 3-4 reps, then 185 for 7-10 reps, then 135 for 15-10 reps

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Growth Workout (Raw Strength, Some Hypertrophy)

Day 1- Chest and Shoulder Press Movement
Rotate Each week with Percentages from Waves
Bench Press- 4 sets of 4 at 82%                                                                 
                1 set rep out
Dynamic Bench- 6 sets of 3 at 65%                                                           
Standing Military Press- 7 sets of 2 at 88 %                                           
                1 set rep out
Chest Accessory Exercise - 3 sets 10-6 reps
Rack Press- 2 sets 10-6 reps
Chest Accessory Exercise - 3 sets 10-6 reps
Power Clean- 4 sets of 4 at 82 %                                                                               
1 set explosive single leg squats until failure (optional)
Rotator Cuff Work- 2 sets
Heavy Abs
Day 2- Legs and Lower Back
Rotate Each week with Percentages from Waves
Squats- 4 sets of 4 at 83%                                                                            
                1 set rep out
Dynamic Box Squat- 6 sets of 3 at 65%                                   
One Leg Squats- 5 sets
Hamstring Accessory Lift- 5 sets 15-6 reps
Quadricep Accessory Lift- 3 sets 10-6 reps
Calf Accessory Exercise- 5 sets 20-12 reps
Lower Back Accessory Exercise- 3 sets 10-6 reps
Power Clean- 1 set until failure (10-6 reps)
1 set explosive single leg squats until failure (optional)
Rotator Cuff Work- 2 sets
Heavy Abs
Day 3- Triceps, Biceps, and Shoulder Raise and fly Movement
Close Grip Bench- 7 sets of 2 at 88%                                                                       
                1 set rep out
Chin Ups- 3 sets until failure or Barbell Curls- 3 sets 10-6
Tricep Accessory Lift- 4 sets 10-8-6-4
Front Raise- 1 set until failure 12-8 reps
Hammer Curls- 2 sets 10-6 reps
Dumbbell Fly- 1 set until failure 10-6 reps
Side Raise- 1 set until failure 12-8 reps
Rear Lateral Raise- 1 set until failure 12-8 reps
Power Clean- 7 sets of 2 at 88 %                                                                                               
1 set explosive single leg squats until failure (optional)
Rotator Cuff Work- 2 sets
Heavy Abs
Day 4- Back and Traps
Deadlift- 4 sets of 4 reps 83%                                                                     
                1 set rep out
Dynamic Deadlift- 6 sets of 3 reps 65%                                                                  
Pullups or Chinups- 3 sets until failure
Back Accessory Exercise- 3 sets 15-8
Trap Accessory Exercise- 2 sets 15-8 reps
Back Accessory Exercise- 3 sets 15-8 reps
Trap Accessory Exercise- 2 sets 15- 8 reps
Power Clean- 1 set until failure (10-6 reps)
1 set explosive single leg squats until failure (optional)
Rotator Cuff Work- 2 sets
Heavy Abs
Rotate Rack Press and Standing Military Press Each Week, First Exercise Always follows strength wave, and the second exercise keeps the reps between 10-6 reps. 
Rotate Close Grip Bench Press and Close Grip Floor Press each week.  The first exercise always must follow the strength wave.  The tricep accessory exercise can only be one of the following and the reps must be 10-8-6-4.  Close Grip Bench, Floor Close Grip Bench, or 4 board close grip bench press. 
Chest Accessory Exercise can be one of the following.  Incline Barbell, Incline Dumbbell, Flat Dumbbell, Decline Bench, or Dips
Quadricep Accessory can be one of the following.  Step Ups, Bulgarian Split Squats, Leg Press, or Front Squats
Hamstring Accessory Lifts can be one of the following.  Stiff Leg Deads, Glute Ham Raises, or Good Mornings
Lower Back Accessory Lifts can be one of the following.  Reverse Hyper or Regular Hyper
Back Accessory Lifts can be one of the following.  T bar Rows, Barbell Rows, Dumbbell Rows, or Rack Pull
Trap Accessory Exercise can be any kind of shrug.
Calf Exercise can be any kind of calf raise. 
Prilepin’s chart strength wave
Wave 1                
4 sets of 4 at 82%
Wave 2                                
7 sets of 2 at 88%
Wave 3
2 sets of 2 at 92%
3 sets of 1 at 95%-100%

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Growth Workout (Powerlifting/Strength/Mass)

Day 1- Shoulders and triceps
Standing Military Press (dumbbell or barbell)- 4 sets 10-8-6-4 or 8-6-4-2
Reverse Pec Deck or Bent dumbbell Lateral Raise- 1 set until failure 15-8 reps
Front Raise (barbell or dumbbell)- 1 set until failure 15-8 reps
Side Laterals or Upright Rows (dumbbell or barbell) 1 set until failure 15-8 reps
Rotator Cuff Work
Close Grip Bench- 4 sets 10-8-6-4
Skull Crusher (any variation)- 1 set until failure 12-6 reps
Any variation cable pressdown- 1 set until failure 20-15 reps
Explosion Exercise- Power Clean (Heavy Day)- 1 set until failure 8-4 reps
Day 2- Legs
Squats- 4 sets 10-8-6-4 or 8-6-4-2
Dynamic Squat- 8 sets 3 reps (50% of 1 rep max)
Pick 1 
Front Squat- 1 set until failure 10-6
Leg Press- 1 set until failure 15-6
Pick 1
Step Up- 1 set until failure 20-15 reps
Bulgarian Split Squat- 1 set until failure 20-15 reps
Pick 1
Lunge- 1 set until failure 20-10 reps
Leg Extensions- 1 set until failure 30-15 reps
Safety Squat Bar Good morning or Regular Good Morning 3 sets 15-8 reps
Stiff Leg Deadlift- 1 set until failure 20-8 reps
Glute Ham Raise- 1 set until failure 10-6 reps
Reverse Hyper Extension or Lying Leg Curl- 1 set until failure 12-6 reps
Calf Raises- 4 sets 20-10 reps
Explosion Exercise- Power Clean (Light Day)- 1 set until failure 15-10 reps
Day 3- Chest biceps
Bench Press- 4 sets 10-8-6-4 or 8-6-4-2
Dynamic Bench- 8 sets 3 reps (50% of one rep max)
Incline Bench (barbell or dumbbell)-1 set until failure 8-4 reps
Weighted Dips- 1 set until failure 15-6 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly or Flat Dumbbell Fly– 1 set until failure 15-10 reps
Dumbbell Pullover or Flat Dumbbell Bench- 1 set until failure 10-6 reps
Barbell Curl or Chinups- 2 sets until failure 10-4 reps
Hammer Curls or Reverse Curl- 2 sets until failure 10-4 reps
Explosion Exercise- Power Clean (Heavy Day)- 1 set until failure 8-4 reps
Day 4- Back
Deadlift- 4 sets 10-8-6-4 or 8-6-4-2
Dynamic Deadlift- 8 sets 3 reps (50 % of 1 rep max)
Rack Pull or Barbell Row- 1 set until failure 10-6 reps
Pullups- 1 set until failure
T-Bar Row or Dumbbell Row- 1 set until failure 15-8 reps
Seated Cable Row or Lat Pulldown- 1 set until failure 15-10 reps
Bent Dumbbell Shrugs- 1 set until failure 20-10 reps
Barbell or Dumbbell Shrug- 1 set until failure 20-10 reps
Explosion Exercise- Power Clean (Light Day)- 1 set until failure 15-10 reps