Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Titanic Triceps

What most people don't understand about the tricep muscle is that it is very overworked.  Your triceps are being worked on every pushing movement you do.  If you are working your chest while bench pressing, your triceps are being worked.  If you are doing military presses for shoulders, they are being worked as well.  In my general opinion, your triceps do not need too much direct attention to grow big and strong.  As a matter of fact, I always follow the "Less is more" principle when training my arms.  Not even just my triceps, but my biceps too.  The less is more principle means that you do not need to direct as much attention to these 2 muscle groups because they are being worked on numerous different exercises already, especially the triceps.  I personally feel that your triceps get bigger and stronger when keeping your rep range between 8-4 reps.  I rarely go 8 reps or higher while traning them.  The best mass building exercises for your triceps are close grip bench presses and skull crushers.  The best exercises for toning your triceps are cable pressdowns in my opinion.  However, if you want big and strong arms I would definitely reccomend training them heavy, and do not make the mistake of over working them.  The tricep consits of three major muscle groups, the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head.  It is very important that you work all three areas to get those full triceps that everyone wants.  Below is my favorite workout routine for my triceps, one is for mass gain, and the other is for muslce tone.  Also, keep in mind, strong triceps are going to make all of your lifts go up. 

Mass Building Tricep Routine

Close Grip Bench Press or Decline Close Grip 3 sets 8 -4 reps
Reverse Grip Skull Crushers or Regular Skull Crushers 3 sets 8- 4 reps
Overhead Dumbbell Exension  or Tricep Kickbacks 3 sets 8-6 reps

Tricep Toning Routine

Cable Pressdowns or Reverse Cable Pressdowns 3 sets 12-8 reps
V- Bar Pressdowns or Rope Pressdowns 3 sets 12-8 reps
Lying Dumbbell Extensions 3 sets 10 reps each arm

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