Sunday, December 16, 2012

Westside Barbell Split

Day 1- Max Effort Lower Body

Chose 1 MAIN MOVE (perform 5-3 sets of a 3-1 rep max) 3-4 sets must be over 90% of 1rm

Parallel Box Squat
Front Squat
Squat (only use regular squat as a main move one in every 6-8 weeks)
Deadlift (only use regular deadlift as a main move one in every 6-8 weeks)
Rack Pull
Deficit Deadlift

Choose 1 Hamstring Accesory Exercise (3 sets 8-15 reps)

Good Mornings
Stiff Leg Deadlifts (Barbell or Dumbbell)
Glute Ham Raise Machine

Choose 1 Quadricep Acessory Exercise (2 sets 8-15 reps)

Leg Press
Hack Squat
Bulgarian Split Squat

Chose 1 Trap Exercise ( 2 sets 10-5 reps)

Dumbbell Shrug
Barbell Shrug
Power Clean
Snatch (Dumbbell or Barbell)
Cable Face Pull

Heavy Ab Workout

Day 2 - Max Effort Upper Body

Chose 1 MAIN MOVE (perform 5-3 sets with a 3-1 rep max) 3-4 sets must be over 90% of 1rm

Close Grip Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Rack Lockout
Bench Press (only use regular bench press once every 4 weeks)
2,3,or 4 Board Press
Floor Press
Weighted Dips

Chose 1 Tricep Accessory Exercise (3 sets perform 10-6 reps)

J.M Press
Skull Crusher (dumbbells or barbell)
Close Grip Bench Press
Close Grip 4 or 5 Board Press
Cable Pressdowns

Chose 1 Upper Back/Lat Exercise (3 sets perform 12-8 reps)

T- Bar Rows
Seated Cable Rows
Barbell Rows
Dumbbell Rows
Lat Pulldowns
Pull Ups

Chose 1 Chest Accessory Exercise (2 sets perform 15-20 reps)

Decline Bench Press
Weighted Dips
Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell Incline Press

Do all 3 Shoulder Exercises

Front Raises (dumbbell or barbell) 3 sets 15-8 reps
Side Raises 1 set 20-12 reps
Bent Raises 1 set 20-12 reps

Chose 1 Bicep Exercise (2 sets perform 12-6 reps)

Dumbbell Curl
Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl
Reverse Grip Barbell Curl

Heavy Ab Workout

Day 3 - Dynamic Effort Lower Body

Chose 1 MAIN MOVE (10-12 sets perform 2 reps) 60 second rest (use 65-80% of your 1 rep max)

Parallel Box Squat
Front Squat
Squat (only use regular squat as a main move one in every 6-8 weeks)

Dynamic Effort Deadlifts (6-10 sets perform 3-1 reps) 60 second rest (use 60-80% of your 1 rep max)

Choose 1 Hamstring Accesory Exercise (2 sets 8-4 reps)

Good Mornings
Stiff Leg Deadlifts (Barbell or Dumbbell)
Glute Ham Raise Machine

Choose 1 Quadricep Acessory Exercise (2 sets 8-4 reps)

Leg Press
Hack Squat
Bulgarian Spit Squat

Choose 1 Calf Exercises (2 sets 15-5 reps)

Standing Calf Raises
Seated Calf Raises

Chose 1 Trap Exercise ( 2 sets 10- 5 reps)

Dumbbell Shrug
Barbell Shrug
Power Clean
Snatch (Dumbbell or Barbell)
Cable Face Pull

Heavy Ab Workout

Day 4 - Dynamic Effort Upper Body

 Dynamic Effort Bench Press- (perform 8-10 sets 3 reps each) 60 second rest use 50-60% of your 1 rep max

Chose 1 Triceps Exercise- (perform 3 sets 6-4 reps)

J.M Press
Skull Crusher
Close Grip Bench Press
Cable Pressdowns
Close Grip 4 or 5 Board Press

Chose 1 Shoulder Exercise- (perform 3 sets 3-6 reps)

Standing Barbell Military Press
Rack Barbell Press
Dumbbell Overhead Press

Chose 1 Upper Back/ Lat Exercise- (perform 2 sets 8-4 reps)

Barbell Rows
Dumbbell Rows
T- Bar Rows
Seated Cable Rows
Lat Pulldown
Pull Ups

Chose 1 Chest Accessory Exercise (2 sets perform 6-4 reps)

Decline Bench Press
Weighted Dips
Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell Incline Press

Chose 1 Bicep Exercise- (perform 2 sets 8-4 reps)

Preacher Curl
Dumbbell Curl
Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl
Reverse Grip Barbell Curl

Heavy Ab Workout


  1. Will try this out for a couple of weeks, sounds very intresting!

  2. Trying this version out after a year of westside's original template. Power cleans are amazing, instant impact on my upper back and should tht i wasn't getting from rows or presses. Good stuff..

  3. Follow up. 2 weeks on this program and my lower body has completely shrunk due to the lack of back squats and deadlifts in the program, particularly any inclusion of sumo-stance deads or squats to build the hips...

    Completely abandoning this program. Bad..........and lacking. My punishment for following anyone other than Westside...

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