Monday- Chest+ Back
Bench Press- work up to a heavy 5 rep max or a heavy 3 rep max
Stability Benching with kettlebells on barbell- couple sets of 1
6 sets of 1 bench press- work on technique (roughly 80-90 percent of 1 rep max)
4-5 sets dumbbell decline bench - 50 reps I chose to do 5 sets of 10
Heavy Barbell Rows- 3-5 sets of 5
T-Bar rows- 3- 5 sets of 10-6 reps
2 sets heavy power cleans (1-2 rep max)
Side bends- 1 set of 15 to failure
weighted planks- 1 set until failure
Tuesday- Shoulders +tris (short workout)
Standing Military or dumbbell military press- work up to heavy set of 5 or 3.
2 hypertrophy sets of 8 reps
Close Grip Bench- 2 sets of 8 reps
2 sets heavy dumbbell snatch (1-2 rep max)
Side bends- 1 set of 15 to failure
weighted planks- 1 set until failure
Wednesday or Thursday- (either or is fine I prefer Wednesday) Deadlift/ Upper body day
Speed Squats with bands- 6-8 sets of 1
Speed Deadlifts off a deficit with bands 6-8 sets of 1
Incline Bench- 1 set until failure (stay between 8-3 rep range)
decline bench- 1 set until failure (stay between 8-3 rep range)
shoulder front raise- 2 sets of 8
2 sets hammer curls- GO HEAVY
1 set until failure of chin-ups
Side bends- 1 set of 15 to failure
weighted planks- 1 set until failure
Saturday- Legs
Either heavy front squat, low bar squat, or high bar squat, or pause squat
work up to a heavy set of 5-1 reps (I pick what I want to do day of)
2 hypertrophy sets of pause squat of 8 reps
heavy glute ham bridges- work up to 5 rep max
calf raises- 2 sets of 15
single leg squats
1 set of good morning if I feel up to it until failure - roughly 10 reps
1 set of heavy power cleans
I go by feel for mosr of this workout. If I can go heavier I will, if I have to back off or DE-LOAD I will do that. On leg day I just basically pick what I want to do. Usually I rotate between the 3 exercises and I do pause squats as my hypertrophy exercises. On deadlift day I do those speed deadlifts 2 out of every 3 weeks and if I feel up to it I max out every third week. Same thing with bench press or shoulder day. I will go lighter if necessary but I feel like I can hit a PR and max out I will. I do not use bands every week with squats, only when my joints are ready.
Contact me for any personal information if you need any advice. diet plans and specific workout plans as well